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For women and men

Modular Handgun
Modular Handgun

NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course

So you want to learn how to shoot?  Wonderful!  You have come to the right place! This course will be held in one day for approximately 6 to 8 hours. You will learn the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for owning and using a revolver and semi-automatic pistol safely. Safety comes first, and we stress that throughout the day.  You will learn how to identify parts of a pistol and action types and will be able to demonstrate how to handle a pistol safely. You will also learn about the five components of a pistol cartridge and the firing sequence. We will talk about the factors in purchasing a handgun and storage. You will also learn about malfunctions and how to clear them. Shooting is not just about aiming and pulling the trigger. We will teach you the five fundamentals of marksmanship. This class includes classroom time and range time. Handguns are provided if you need one. You must register at least one week before the class. The fee is $175.00 plus the $20.00 range fee, payable on the day of class. 

Holster to Target: Advanced Basics

You've taken the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Class but want to get your CCW. This is the next class you need to take. We will go over how to draw from a holster, do drills to improve your shooting, learn how to shoot and walk, and many other skill builders. This is a four-hour class at the range. You will need a Kydex outside the waistband holster, a Kydex magazine pouch, a gun belt, and other safety items. The course is $150.00 plus $20.00 range fee.


Utah Non-Resident Concealed Carry Course

The Utah Multi-State non-resident CCW class is great if you like to travel.  It is four hours long and is a non-shooting course This non-resident CCW permit is available to most lawful individuals. The Utah Multi-State CCW allows reciprocity benefits in 34 states including Nevada and Washington. The states of Utah, Oregon, and Virginia accept our certificate.  We’ll guide you through the entire process.  After mailing in your application, you will receive a State ID Card with your photo. You only need to renew every 5 years online. After the class, you will receive a fingerprint card, an application, and a passport photo to submit. The cost is $175.00 for the class.  9 am -1 pm. plus $62.00 payable to BCI.

States that honor the Utah CCW:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Please refer to the current Reciprocity Map and Gun Laws by State.

​Click here for Utah's ​BCI website.

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